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Stan Brice Bodybuilding Diet

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Bodybuilder Stan Brice was another of Rheo Blair's most famous pupils.
For ten years Stan Brice had followed a strenuous training program that included three hour workouts 6 days per week, and seriously overtaxed his strength and energy. Then, at the age of 29, under the careful direction of Rheo Blair, Stan made more improvement in his physique than he has in several previous years. After only 60 days, Stan won Mr. Northern California, his first major physique title (after many years of frustrated effort) and after only 90 days won the Mr. Western America contest - against many former title winners. He previously was unable to place against small competition.
Stan said "I jumped from 190 lbs. to 205 in one month and had more cuts. I lost a full inch on my waist. My skin became clear and full of color. All the guys at the gym want to know my secret. It's no secret, it's just following Blair's program of nutrition. I feel good, lot's of energy, and handle more weight in training and work out harder in less time."
A typical daily bodybuilding diet for Brice was:
Breakfast: 1 cup Blair Protein mixed with 2 cups cream. Along with this he would take in 15-20 of Blair's Liver capsules, 1 capsule each of Vitamin E, Vitamin C, Vitamin A and the B Complex, 15-20 Soybro capsules and 6-8 of Blair's HCL digestive capsules.
Lunch: Same as Breakfast
Dinner: Fish or steak, small salad, small serving of a cooked vegetable and 4-6 HCL capsules.
Snack: Same as Lunch or Breakfast.
He took Rheo's famous amino acid capsules between meals.
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Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, supplement or exercise program. Individuals differ in response to supplements and so will results.