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Rheo H Blair eBook
The Secrets of Bodybuilding Nutrition

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Rheo Blair PDF E-book Review
Rheo H Blair and the Secrets of Bodybuilding Nutrition, a special report by Russ McDermott is an excellent ebook on the history of Irvin Johnson and his revolutionary muscle building nutrition program. Irvin Johnson later changed his name to Rheo H Blair for commercial purposes, to sell his product.
The overarching principle of Blair's nutrition program is using all natural ingredients to create a powerful protein supplement that builds lean muscle, and it seems the school of thought is to give the body these nutrients in the most effective way that nature intended: mother's milk. By testing and improving his formula and the method of mixing it with cream Blair created a muscle building supplement that was second to none in its effectiveness. His formula was partially (80% according to the user) responsible for multiple Mr. Olympia titles. Blair himself won a smaller scale bodybuilding competition which ushered in the idea to market his product.
What I really liked about the ebook was the way that Blair used scientific analysis to create this highly effective nutritional program. As the ebook states, Blair wasn't pleased with his original formula which heavily used soy protein, and because of that he conducted more research, did more testing on willing participants and improved his formula through constant testing periods.
Blair had a knack for keeping things in their most natural state as evidenced by his egg cooking theory. It is for this reason that I believe he was the pioneer in bodybuilding nutition.
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