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Rheo Blair Shake

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What was the Rheo Blair shake and how can you make the same type of protein drink today?
Nutrition Guru Rheo Blair who worked with top bodybuilders, athletes, movie stars, etc. recommend a high-protein, high-fat and low-carb shake for health and muscle building.
The main ingredient was his high quality milk and egg protein power that was made using a special low heat process. It was mixed with milk and cream, there were also optional flavoring options, such as cinnamon, a small amount of fruit, chopped dates, raisins, nuts, etc. it could also be made into a thick pudding and eaten with a spoon.
Here are Rheo's instructions for making the protein shake:
"The preferred liquid for mixing the protein is half-and-half, and for a good reason. Nature seems to indicate that protein and fat should be taken in even balance. Milk with 3% protein is balanced with an equal amount of fat. Likewise eggs, meat, etc.
Blair's Instant Protein is extracted from milk and eggs without this normally occurring fat; both eggs and milk were defatted in processing. Whole milk is normally balanced by itself, so if we mix the protein with milk we throw off this natural balance. However, by mixing the protein with half whole milk and half heavy cream we restore some of the fat removed during processing and we achieve a product more normally balanced as to proportions of protein and fat.
Remember, you are not actually drinking half-and-half when you follow this suggestion. The protein with half-and-half makes a "milk" drink which is equivalent to whole milk in the balance of protein and fat. It is thick and creamy because it is concentrated.
The "half-and-half" sold by most dairies is not a true "one half" plus "one half" but it can be used. We prefer to mix our own, using one-half whole milk and one-half heavy (whipping) cream. We recommend using raw milk and raw cream if it is available.
This protein drink made with half-and-half is delicious and tasty, especially if you make sure that the milk and cream are VERY COLD!"
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