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Rheo Blair Protein

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Rheo H. Blair was a weak man with ill health when he was growing up. However, by reading and learning about nutrition and weight training, he won a bodybuilding contest in the late 1940's. He owned a gym in the city of Chicago and devoted his life to learning more about the nutrition that can help bodybuilders.
Blair was a firm believer that protein was the true key to healthy bodybuilding. That is what he had based his protein powder and protein shakes on throughout his career. Rheo H. Blair's protein came about when he had combined whey, milk and whole egg. He was trying to match the benefits of a human mother's milk by matching the amino acid ratio. He believed that the mother's milk is the perfect health food that contributes to human growth.
Even though Rheo H. Blair had died, his secrets have been found and the Rheo Blair protein powder and the Rheo Blair protein shake is still being made and sought after by bodybuilders everywhere.
When you are ready to drink this protein mix, you can add vanilla, one or two raw eggs or a few ice milk cubes. It all depends on if you would rather enjoy the mix thinner or thicker. It is important to take a glass of this drink very slowly, and never gulped. It should take at least a half an hour to drink one glass. Just sip a little of it at a time throughout the half hour.
Bodybuilders still believe that Rheo Blair held the secret to becoming huge without using steroids.
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Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, supplement or exercise program. Individuals differ in response to supplements and so will results.