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Raw Eggs Bodybuilding

Rocky Knew The Benefits of Raw Eggs
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Benefits of Raw Eggs for Bodybuilding
Rheo Blair called eggs a super food, he said that eggs the best source of protein having the highest protein efficiency of any food. He said that free range raw eggs were the perfect body building food and a natural steroid. He recommended his protein powder be mixed with raw eggs and half and half. And he also had a low heat method of cooking eggs that killed the bacteria without destroying the nutritional value.
"He'll eat nutritious, high protein
And swallow raw eggs
Try to build up his shoulders
His chest, arms, and legs"
In Just Seven Days I Can Make You A Man
Song From The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Eggs are nutritious and a good source of protein. You’ve likely heard about old school bodybuilders who regularly had protein shakes with raw eggs, but you may also have heard that regularly having raw eggs can be bad for you.
Is Eating Raw Eggs Good or Bad?
Thinking about such a matter reminds me of my essay topics at school – and so on. One thing which I said in those essays, which I’ll say again, is that everything in life has negative and positive sides. Actually, ‘good or poor’ is comparative. You can’t really have a black and white universe, the real world is grey.
Getting back to eating of raw eggs, they’re no exception to the rule. There are specific advantages of eating uncooked eggs, as there are risks. Allow me to put both the things in view.
Whether eating raw eggs is healthful, is a contentious issue and the confusion would be liked by most people to be cleared. I studied a lot before composing this post and here are the facts of the issue before you. I presume, we’re referring to chicken eggs, because they are the most widely consumed, when we’re talking about eggs.
So let us get down to the crux of the matter and see the benefits and the risks involved.
Raw Eggs Benefits
Many people believe the raw food is healthier than cooked food. They contain essential nutrients for the brain, nerves, glands and hormones. The sulphur amino acids help to keep you young, raw eggs also contain an abundance of other vital substances including protein, essential fatty acids along with niacin, riboflavin, biotin, choline, vitamins A, D and E, magnesium, potassium, phosphorous, manganese, iron, iodine, copper, zinc and sulphur. Egg yolks are one of the few foods that contain vitamin D.
A great reason for eating or rather drinking raw eggs is that it really provides all the essential amino acids needed for proper operation of the human body.
Another great reason to eat raw eggs is they provide a group of vitamins and minerals like vitamin B6, folic acid, riboflavin, vitamin B12, iron, choline, calcium, potassium and phosphorus.
The egg white may be the richest source of protein on earth. That makes it a perfect protein supplement. Eating them uncooked, for protein was a common practice among old school bodybuilders. Egg is one of the few natural products which includes Vitamin D.
Raw Eggs Risks
A great deal of controversy surrounds the issue of whether it's safe to eat raw eggs. The main issue regarding eating raw eggs is contamination with the Salmonella bacterium with the secondary issue involving the availability of the B-vitamin, biotin.
One risk from raw egg consumption is salmonella infection. The risk is extraordinarily exaggerated yet. Cold storage of chicken eggs also assists in reducing the risk of infections.
Raw eggs could contain a bacteria known as Salmonella enteritidis which is known to cause food poisoning. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Salmonella contamination may be a problem with about 1 in every 30,000 eggs, but there's no way to tell by looking at it whether you have a "bad egg". However, even a very small risk is not worth taking in this situation - and there is no way to avoid taking a very small risk when eating a raw egg. Since bacteria enter the ovaries of healthy looking hens even before the shells are formed, you cannot tell from looking at eggs whether they are contaminated.
Another difficulty is that eating lots of egg white, can create biotin deficiency. Still this difficulty may be dealt with if you eat the entire egg instead of only the egg white as the white is biotin rich.
The high amount of cholesterol in egg yolk is another possible another risk. Average consumption is advised, if you’re a man with heart issues.
Consider the risks and benfits of eating raw eggs before you decide if it’s a course you need to take.
How to Eat Raw Eggs Safely
Have you heard that eating eggs in its natural, raw form is healthy and easy to digest? It’s true, but first you must take some basic precautions. Enjoy and eat raw eggs safely ang get all health benefits associated with it.
Here are some tips you can take to eat raw eggs safely:
Be sure to purchase eggs from a refrigerated case and place them in your refrigerator as soon as you get home. It is best to use eggs within three to four weeks of purchase.
Get some organic or better yet, free range eggs from a reputable source. Make sure they are fresh and the expiration date have not yet passed.
Float test the egg. If it does float instead of sinking in the water it is probably not fresh, do not eat it.
Break shell open and let the egg flow out into a glass. Smell and look at it before eating. If the egg white appears cloudy or egg smells bad, do not eat it raw. If an egg contains small “blody” spot, it means the egg has been fertilized and is still OK to consume raw.
Eat the egg as is or you can add a little honey and cocoa powder. Mix with spoon really well and then eat it. You can also add raw eggs to your protein shake.
If you eat many eggs whites for a long stretch of time, you may need a biotin supplement (supported within a B-complex intake). Biotin rich foods include swiss chard, tomatoes, carrots, and liver.
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