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Rheo Blair

Rheo Blair was a famous nutritionist; he did extensive research on weight training and nutrition and gave advice to people all around the world, especially movie stars and bodybuilders. He was an expert in high quality protein products and he created the original milk and egg protein powder that filled the shelves of health food stores. He believed the perfect food for muscle growth was a combination of milk and whole egg. It is said that his protein products turned weaklings into musclemen and made sick people healthy. He died in the early 1980's but is still well remembered in the bodybuilding world today.
Learn all about Rheo H Blair bodybuilding nutritionist and how to build more muscle with Rheo Blair's protein powder formula.
Rheo Blair Protein Powder
Lost for decades, this highly effective optimized protein formula has
finally been rediscovered and updated with the latest cutting edge science...
Rheo H. Blair was the first man recognized as a nutritional wizard when it came to bodybuilding diet and supplementation. He regularly performed physique transformation "miracles" on hundreds of less than average bodybuilders.
Throughout the 50's, 60's and 70's, testimonials abounded about the amazing physical transformations Blair performed on hundreds of "hopeless cases." He was regularly turning 97-pound weaklings into strapping men with his special protein formulas and vigorous volume-based weight training routine.
Even advanced bodybuilders were reporting similar results from the Blair system.
In an article from the May 1967 issue of Iron Man magazine, a bodybuilder wrote:
"After being on Rheo's program for only three weeks, I made more gains than I had in the past six years. I put almost a half-inch on my arms. And after two months I put on almost 20 pounds of pure muscle."
From An Average Bodybuilder To Mr. America...
In Less Than Four Months!
Under Blair's tutelage, Jim Park went from an unknown bodybuilder with an average physique to Mr. America... in less than four months! And even more amazing is this amazing transformation was done without drugs! This was back in the 50's before steroid use became so widespread in bodybuilding.

Jim Park After Using Rheo Blair Protein
Although he had a reputation as an eccentric, all the great bodybuilders of the 50's, 60's and 70's (Arnold, Frank Zane, Dave Draper, Larry Scott, etc.) followed Blair's advice and got in the biggest and best shape of their lives. Blair had the secret of achieving steroid-like results without drugs.
One of Blair's secrets was his special protein formula. Blair's famous protein powder was based on the amino acid ratios in mother's milk. It was years ahead of its time... and it packed on muscle like crazy.
Unfortunately, Blair died an untimely death in the early 1980's and many of his bodybuilding secrets died with him... including the exact formula for his protein powder. Some say it was better than anything on the market today.
Blair's Protein formula, one of the most effective supplement secrets, has been lost since his death... until now!
We plowed through thousands of pages of all the recent cutting edge research trying to find these secrets. We also interviewed every former Rheo Blair student we could find and delved into everything we could get our hands on from the Rheo Blair archives.
And now, after years of research we have finally made the breakthrough every bodybuilder has been hoping for.
Blair's special protein formula, lost for more than four decades, has finally been rediscovered and updated with the most current scientific breakthroughs.
We have combined Rheo Blair's rediscovered secrets with the latest cutting-edge science to finally create the best protein supplement formula tailored for serious bodybuilders.
Finally available again, for the first time...

Ten years in development, we combined Rheo Blair's old school wisdom with the latest cutting edge supplement science to give you everything you ever wanted in a protein powder!
Bio-Available Protein is the most advanced bodybuilding protein formula on the market today. It combines the highest quality sources of Milk and Egg Proteins with added L-Glutamine.
The process we use to create and produce this product is unique. No one else offers this combination of proteins despite many attempts at knocking off the Blair recipe. The secret lies in the percentage of each ingredient. We know you will love the way you look, feel and respond to the freshest, tastiest and richest protein powder blend available today.
Bio-Available Protein is a complete Protein Powder which is a special combination of several different proteins giving you a balance of essential amino acids that helps to increase health, build muscle and burn away unwanted body fat. You simply cannot lose with this advanced protein supplement.
2.9 Pounds Per Container
Each Serving Provides:
24 grams of Protein
12 grams of Carbohydrate
6 grams of Fat
170 total Calories
Mixes easily and has a great vanilla milkshake taste!
Bio-Available Protein is not just the closest thing you can get to Rheo Blair Protein today, it's the best bodybuilding protein supplement ever, it makes all other protein powders obsolete!
When combined with hard training and proper diet, it can help supercharge your bodybuilding progress to an entirely new level!
Here's what people are saying about Bio-Available Protein...
"I have been using the Bio Engineered Protein Advanced Formula and am absolutely thrilled with the efficiency and efficacy of it. Not only is it helping to maintain my genetic bodybuilding potential but as an added feature it serves as a pleasure drink which is easy to mix (no lumps or chunks here) first time every time, is absolutely delicious (no gagging or running for the porcelain). And I have personally discovered it digests and assimilates rather easily.
I mix a serving scoop of the vanilla flavored Bio Engineered Protein Advanced Formula with water, ice and a bit of apple juice but one my all time favorites is to simply blend it in with 16 oz. of cold water or accommodating beverage together with a handful of frozen strawberries. Not only is this blender shake absolutely delicious, but it contains 25 grams of protein, only 1 gram of fat, 2 grams of sugar and 4 grams of carbohydrates and is loaded with other valuable nutrients, as can be seen on the nutrition information panel."
Dennis Weis
"I have been using Bio-Available Protein for 45 days now, and following a lot of the information in the free bonus Rheo Blair nutrition and workout ebooks that came with it, and I have already gained 6 pounds but am looking leaner - my cuts and veins are more evident than before.
Personally I highly recommend this product to anyone that works out and uses protein powder."
Lewis Wolk
"I've been testing Bio-Available Protein and I have to say I'm impressed. It has a great flavor and the protein blend is top quality, covering fast and slow-digesting proteins for extended muscle-building support. There are a lot of protein supplements on the market, but this is one I will absolutely keep using and would definitely recommend...a very well thought-out protein supplement, perfect for helping you build serious muscle."
Nick Nilsson
Order Bio-Available Protein now we will give you the following three free bonuses...

Rheo Blair Protein Way of Life is what Rheo give to customers who bought his protein. It is a complete set of instructions on the correct ways to use his protein supplement, which were critical in order for it to be most effective. He didn't want people to just buy the protein powder and then mix it with whatever and whenever. To achieve results, there were many specific "hows" and "whens." When people carefully followed the exact steps outlined, the results obtained were dramatic and sometimes even unbelievable. Also includes fourteen tasty recipes for protein drinks that you can mix up quickly and easily in your blender.

Rheo H Blair was known for his highly successful approach to nutrition and supplements. Some of the world's greatest bodybuilding stars such as Larry Scott and Don Howorth not only used but endorsed Blair's products...especially his famous protein. Only one issue of the Blair Report was ever published. This rare and highly prized item is full of information and endorsements.

Learn Rheo Blair's workout and diet secrets. Irvin Johnson assumed the name and developed a following as Rheo H Blair. Known for his revolutionary thoughts in physical culture and nutrition, Blair often set the bodybuilding world on its head with his radical methods. This personal, rare and extremely difficult to find historical bodybuilding publication is the complete course loaded with information, illustrations, and pictures. The relationship between Blair and the top bodybuilders and Hollywood personalities of the 50's and 60's is well known. Mystery still surrounds much of Blair today. Now you can enjoy studying his rare publication and see first hand what Rheo H Blair - Irwin Johnson was proclaiming back in the 50's.
On Sale For Only $49.95 plus $20.00 S&H
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Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, supplement or exercise program. Individuals differ in response to supplements and so will results.